Come Undone

|| 2015 Хиты 80-x и 90-x Come Undone - Duran Duran - Come Undone [music] /

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Весь репертуар || 2015 Хиты 80-x и 90-x

Текст песни целиком:

эта песня-одна из наиболее символичных и важных для меня

Mine, immaculate dream made breath and skin
I've been waiting for you
Signed, with a home tattoo,
Happy birthday to you was created for you
(can't ever keep from falling apart
At the seams
Can't I believe you're taking my heart
To pieces)
Oh, it'll take a little time,
might take a little crime
to come undone now
We'll try to stay blind
to the hope and fear outside
Hey child, stay wilder than the wind
And blow me in to cry
Who do you need, who do you love
When you come undone
(Verse 2)
Words, playing me deja vu
Like a radio tune I swear I've heard before
Chill, is it something real
Or the magic I'm feeding off your fingers
(Can't ever keep from falling apart
At the seams
Can I believe you're taking my heart
To pieces)
Lost, in a snow filled sky, we'll make it alright
To come undone now

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Duran Duran - Come Undone [music]

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